I cant tell you how many times I have heard the words " You are such a Martha Stewart" (haha) I just love crafting, diy, painting, sewing, and home decorating. It gives me great satisfaction to look around my house and say " I MADE THAT!"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Transportation Art Knock Off

   That's right I did it... I made my very first knock off!!! My inspiration was the Pottery Barn Kids Transportation Art.

From August 30, 2011

  I first went to Lowe's and bought my old faithful (plywood shelving board at $2. 92) I also had them cut it down for me to 12in. x 12in. squares. I only need 3, so I had one more for a later project. :)

From art

From art

I got them home and painted the edges white.

From August 30, 2011

  Then I added a thin layer of watered down Elmer's glue, let it tack up, and then added the white scrapbook paper. I distressed the edges using my favorite crafting tool ( I <3 My Distress Ink Pad )

From art

  Here is the hard part... I had to free hand the actually boat, truck, and plane. I wish I would of made the truck a bit longer and not so wide, but over all pretty happy with it! I really wanted my pictures to have the same hand painted feel as the Pottery Barn set, so I got out my little paint brushes and copied each one exactly. 

From art

From art
With my center pictures done all I needed to do now was add the lettering with was EASY with my Circut! ( I cut the letters out using the Plantin Schoolbook font cartridge) I used the same watered down glue technique to add all the elements together on the plaques! Add picture hangers to the back and my knock off is complete! Here are both together. What do you think?

From August 30, 2011
From August 30, 2011

From August 30, 2011

From August 30, 2011

From August 30, 2011

Here is the run down...

Pottery Barn Kids Set = $69 each or $207 for the set

My set= $6 that's right over $200 savings

boards- $3
white paint- already had
distress ink pad- already had
7 pages of scrapebook paper- $3

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. What an awesome knock-off! My little guy is 5 months...I think I may just dress up his room a little! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Those are awesome...I'm thinking about doing something similar with animals...so not quiet a Pottery Barn knock off but I love your tutorial...great job!!!

  3. Wow! I'm amazed at creative people like you. I am NOT crafty. Don't know how I'm going to teach my daughter all this.


  4. SO cute! I have most of the supplies and a cricut so I just need the plywood!!! thanks!!

  5. Truly darling! Great job!!! And I laughed at your blog intro of being called Martha Stewart! That happens to me too! :)


  6. Wow! SO cute. I would love to make a set like that... just a bit more girl-ish though.

  7. These are adorable!! My son is really into Thomas, so I can see doing this for all of his favorite engines. Thanks for the inspiration. It's really great when we can make something we see that's ridiculously expensive all on our own for little money!

  8. Love this idea! So simple and it could work for all different kinds of ideas!

  9. Are you up for making another set? I would totally pay you to make me a set! =) Adorable! jsnorton05@gmail.com

  10. OMG So FREAKING CUTE! I love it, your super talented!


  11. OH MY! These are wonderful! You did an awesome job ! I would love for you to consider linking up your project at my weekly linking party http://www.youhadmeatcraft.com/. I am trying to attract a variety of crafter styles and I love yours! I also spotlight a guest crafter 2 to 4 times a month and I would love it if you would be interested in sharing your creativity on my blog sometime in the near future :) My email is thecondes@gmail.com THANKS!

  12. That is so awesome girlfriend! They look great and I look the savings price! Thanks for sharing this. I have been looking for a cheaper way to decorate my soon-to-be-here son's nursery! This is perfect! Thank you!

  13. LOVE this!! I saw these the other day while I was on the website looking for a knock of inspiration of my own. Thought they were so cute but my little man is too big for these. I do however have friends who are having boys. I am helping a friend make baby bedding this weekend and now I will be making some of these but with monkeys to go with!! I will be sure to sure when I am finished.


  14. You saved $200... OMG !! The benefits of being talented :)

    Thanks for linking up at Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner and adding to the fun.

    The party for this week is going on... hope to see you there again :)


  15. So cute, you should make more..


  16. Thank you for the tutorial. What a great savings.
    New follower from The Creative Bloggers hop. Hope you stop by for a visit. Have a great week.

  17. Very cute! You did such an amazing job!

  18. What a fun and fantastic project-Hats off to you
    Glad you stopped by my blog earlier

    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V

  19. Amazing...what kind of crazy person could spend $70 on a small picture for their kids room? I think yours look even better than the originals!

  20. I love these! I'd love to showcase these on my blog and add them to the accessories gallery - if you'd like to be included please email me: PlayfulDecor (at) gmail (dot) com. You can also link up to my new party Tuesday's Nursery - for everything in kids decor at any age. Have a nice weekend!

  21. You did an awesome job. I had the same idea to knock off these 3 as well. Bought the scrapbook paper and the wood, but it never happened. Ended up designing something similar in photoshop (although I did Airplane, Boat & Car so it would be ABC) and printing 11x14s and then framing it. Doesn't have the same look, but since my little one's room is a little more contemporary it works.

  22. Fantastic job! These look great. Wish I was that talented. I'm a new follower as of today and saw the adorable ballet shoes (8-5-11 post) you made while browsing previous posts. I love the fabric used on the ballet shoes & the burp cloth with the names of different flowers on it - any chance you would mind sharing where your purchased the fabric or is it another one of your brilliant creations? I'm super duper happy to have found your blog & look forward to new posts & creations! Thanks.

  23. @twelve30,
    Thank You! I am so glad you have been inspired by my blog! The fabric I used with the different flowers on it was bought at Handcock Fabrics for $3.99 a yard. :) If you have anymore questions just let me know!

    Jeni @Becoming Martha

  24. I saw those same transportation art hangings and have been wanting to knock it off for quite a while. $69 a piece? I think not. Your version is adorable, what a great knock off! And $200 savings is just the icing on the cake.

    I'll have to get it in gear and get on with my knock off version. Thanks for the inspiration to get it done!

    Krista @ While He Was Napping

  25. Very impressive! Thanks for linking up

  26. You have such incredible talent. How awesome!!

  27. I like yours WAAAAAY better than PB's! Your pictures and your prices both look much better than theirs! Way to go!

  28. You did a fantastic job on your knock offs! They look great. I just did a canvas which was inpired by PB, I'd love it if you stopped by to see it as well! Your newest follower, Kim from tiarasandbowties.blogspot.com

  29. I love what you have done! I would be interested in purchasing a set if you make another set. Let me know if you would be interested and what the cost would be. Thanks! dinavanhoudt@gmail.com


  30. Oh my! What a totally great job!! I adore these! Eat your heart out PB!!!!

  31. I'm attempting these today! Did you Modge Podge over the tops at the end?

  32. Love the wall art. You did a great job!


  33. Would you want to sell these when you are don with them? I would be interested. My email addy is andreascottemma@bellsouth.net

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