
Friday, July 27, 2012

The Pretty Little Lace Crown Tutorial

  Here is an idea I found while surfing Pinterest, cute little crowns made from lace. I figured I would give a try it, and share my results with you guys! I got everything I needed for this project from Hobby Lobby. (I LOVE that store!)

Here is your supply list:

*Fabric Stiffener
*Metallic Paint

1. Find a round container that has the same circumference as the crown you would like to make. (This makes it a lot easier on YOU!)

2. Rub fabric stiffener on to both sides of the lace, and wrap lace around container.

3. Use a tiny bit of hot glue on the ends to hold it together. (you can add more glue later if needed)

4. Put in microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds. It will be stiff, but not hard yet. Take it off the container and bend upper edge out. (to make more of a crown shape)

4. Put back in microwave for 30 seconds, or until crown is hard.

5. Next paint, glitter, and decorate it however your little princess wants it!

Here is my little Princess in her pretty little lace crown!

 She LOVED it, and so does her Momma! I used two bobby pins to hold it in place.

It would look adorable for a newborn photo shoot too! You could add jewels, flowers, or ribbon to add MORE CUTENESS!


Little girls are so much fun!


What do you think? Are you going to try to make your own? I am going to make a pair for my friends twins, who will be here in just a few more weeks! I will share pictures as soon as I can. :D Have a GREAT weekend!

Thanks for stopping by,


Monday, July 2, 2012

A Mickey and Minnie Birthday

  Hello, ladies, it has been a while! We just got back from vacation. I loved getting to visit my family in Wisconsin! It was just the break I needed, and boy, 39 days seemed to fly by. We are at the half way mark for Greg's deployment!!!! Thank you all for the prayers and kind words, it really helps to know you care! :D 

  While in Wisconsin we had a joint birthday party for Cole and Liz, my sister's daughter. They are only a few weeks apart, and they have had parties together since they were little bitty! This year we did a Mickey and Minnie Mouse theme, so I made cute Minnie and mickey outfits for the kids! :D Here are some photos of the fun!


*3 white t shirts
*1/2 yard of "No Sew"
*2 yards of pink ribbon
*1/4 yard of pink material
*1/4 yard of red material
*1/4 yard of black material
*my handy glue gun

  Iron the "No Sew" to the black material, and trace the mickey head. I used three bowls to make my mickey head. Next, cut the Mickey head out and iron it, centered on the t-shirt. Next iron the "No Sew" to the material you are using for the name, trace the name, and cut it out. I then ironed the name centered under the Mickey Mouse head. Lastly, I used hot glue to attach the bow to Minnie's head for the girls. :D

  It was a super easy project that took less than an hour, and looked GREAT! The kids loved being dressed as Mickey and Minnie! I have so many projects to share with you, hopefully I will get a few more posted this week! :D

Thanks for stopping by,
