
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Waste Not Want Not

  I don't know about you, but I HATE wasting material! Even the littlest of scraps I save for an embroidery project or frayed flower. Well last week I shared my Daddy's Shirt Dress.

From waste not want not

From waste not want not
As you can see I only used the front and back of the shirt.

From waste not want not

Well I still had the sleeves leftover, so I decided to make a swing shirt out of them! First I needed to even off the bottom of the sleeves and cut out the bottom portion of my swing shirt.

From waste not want not

I unfolded it to cut the bottom evenly.

From waste not want not

Next I used the cuff part as the top of the shirt.

From waste not want not

I sewed the two pieces together and used thin elastic around the waist. Lastly I added a little ruffle and ribbons. Here it is finished on my favorite little model! A cute little top for free, gotta love that ;)

From waste not want not

I just LOVE outside pictures!

From waste not want not

From waste not want not

I just love the detail the button from the cuff adds! So cute!

From waste not want not

From waste not want not

What fun project do you save your scraps for?

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. So cute! And the model is precious!

  2. This is sooo stinkin adorable! Also just wanted to let you know that I featured your little kitchen set on my blog @
    Hope you stop by and grab a featured button!

  3. Wow. You are super talented. This is adorable!

  4. Great job! I found your link through Tip Me Tuesday. Your little girl and her new shirt are beautiful!

  5. Awesome! I love how you used up all the excess!

  6. this is soo incredibly cute!! I know i've said this before, but you are soo talented!! :)

  7. Thank you for your lovely comment, I'm glad you enjoyed looking over my blog :)


  8. This is very resourceful! I have made toddler dresses from buttonup shirts before, but never used the sleeves for anything. Now I know what to do with them!


  9. Wow, you are a super talented seamstress!

  10. Hi- What an adorable idea. So creative. As a new blogger and mom of 2 teenage girls, it also works to take dad's shirt, and have them wear it, either cuff the sleeves if it's possibly *too* big, put a nice wide, loose belt with it and wear it tastefully with leggings. A very smart look for the older child.

  11. Such creative women as yourself baffle me! How the heck do you do all of that. I just LOVE it all! Wish you had a boy so I can try some of those cute projects.

  12. My daughter sent me this link -- think she's hinting? It's so cute and I agree about the cuff button making a great detail item. Had to become an e-mail follower!
