
Monday, September 26, 2011

The Paper Project

 Wow! has it really been two weeks since I last posted?! Well, I have a ton of projects to share with you this week! To start with... I wanted to add color to Cole's bedroom and make it look less grown up. Thankfully, my Cricut and eight dollars in scrapbook paper :) came to my rescue!!! It took about 30 minutes for the Cricut to cut out all the letters and numbers, and about an hour for me to hang them. I used a 300 ct. box of small glue dots to hang them.
Here are the results:

From September 8, 2011

  The room is fun and happy with all the colors of the alphabet and numbers.

From September 8, 2011

Sorry for the terrible pictures! I only have my cell phone right now to take pictures... A little girl I know, with big brown eyes, thought it would be fun to play with Mommy's camera. It has never been the same since. Sometimes it will work, and then it will die right away. 

From September 8, 2011

I am still in love with his board and batten! It looks just as great as the day I finished it, and since it is a semi-gloss finish it washes up nicely!

From September 8, 2011

  Here is the verse I chose to honor his daddy, and I think it is perfect for his room! Again, sorry for the grainy yuckiness! It really looks great in person and it added that perfect touch with the busyness of the adjacent wall. If it is hard to read, the verse says,
   " For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." Romans 13:4

From September 26, 2011

From September 26, 2011

I love the way the planes make shadows on his walls. :)

From September 8, 2011

I think it really brings out the color of the stripes in the boarder around his pictures.

From September 8, 2011

From September 8, 2011

 It is a work in progress, but so far I am very happy with my progress! Is anyone else obsessed with scrapbook paper like me? Haha, Well, that's it until tomorrow! I have a great Knock Off to share with you :)

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Looks great! I love the colors in the room. I'm stopping by from Tip Me Tuesday :)

  2. I LOVE this room! SO many details that are just too sweet. Great job! Such a perfect use of that space!

  3. This room is gorgeous! I really love the colors you used and the alphabet on the wall. I have two boys that share a room, and this room is full of inspiration for me.

  4. This room is so fun! Great idea to cute letters and numbers to use as a border!

  5. Love the room-are the glue dots safe to use on the wall-will they come off without leaving a mark? Which cricut cart/font did you use?
    thanks for the great idea
    Jennifer in Indy

  6. @Jennifer,
    I used the removable glue dots and tested it on my painted walls first before starting the project. It came off clean for me, but I would difinately try it on yours first! I used the Plantin SchoolBook font cartridge. :)Thank you all for the sweet comments! I hope this helps!

    Jeni @ Becoming Martha

  7. It helps, and I will be copying! I have tons of cartridges, but I always end up with Plantin for a good Font!
    Thanks Again

  8. I have a little boy and this room would be PERFECT for him when he gets a little older. I love you taste!

    P.S. I'm having a $50 cash giveaway on my blog this week. Come by when you have a chance! :)

  9. Looks great! I have an alphabet theme in my baby boy's nursery. What are these "glue dots" you mentioned?

  10. @Gail,
    They are a scrapbooking product. It is like ticky tack, but comes in little dots already for you the place on your paper. They come in permanent or removeable. I would only use the removeable ones on your walls. I tested a letter in Cole's closet first and stuck it and pulled it off several times to make sure it did no damage to his walls.

    Hope this helps,

    Jeni@ Becoming Martha

  11. Jeni, love this. I featured you on Domestically Divine. Thank you for always giving us something wonderful to enjoy.

  12. I'm a big fan of this border you did for your boy's room! It just adds the perfect touch!
    I featured you on this week's Terrific Under Ten Tuesday!


  13. What a darling project & such a great color scheme for a boy's room. Thanks for linking it up to Fabulous Friday!

    Warmly, Michelle

  14. Hi Jeni, what a beautiful job you did on the bedroom. Where were people like you when my children were small? LOL I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
