
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On the Fence

  It is that time of year already? Fall Family Pictures :D  Well we have been super busy here getting things together for our family photo shoot. I am so excited, we are going to do it House of Smiths style! I just needed to find the perfect background. Sadly we don't have any cool painted brick like in their family photos, but I figured out a way to get that same POP in our photos.

Introducing the Becoming Martha style... (ha ha)

From September 26, 2011
  I got this 6ft x 8ft fence panel at Lowe's for $20 and finished all the coats of paint this afternoon. I am really loving all the colors. I wanted it to look like it was 100 years old, and the paint was fading and weathered. Here is some pictures I took of the kids just to see if the colors on the fence were going to be noticable.

From September 26, 2011

From September 26, 2011

From September 26, 2011

   Our photographer is coming over Thursday afternoon for our family photo shoot!!! I will be back with tons of pictures and tell you all about it! Hope you guys are having an amazing week!

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. I'm diggin' the fence. Love the colors.

  2. I've been eyeing the fence panels at Lowe's myself! I don't think I could do the paint job as nicely as you did. Great job!

  3. @Dana
    I was really easy! I used a mini roller and dry rolled the paint on in layers, until I like the look of it! :D

    Jeni @Becoming Martha

  4. Hi,,love,love your fence and what a great paint job! Could you possibly share what paint colors you used and how you got this distressed look? It loooks great! You are very talented!

  5. Hi Nancy! I used a mini roller and just dry rolled (not much paint on roller)on the red. You want to roll lightly so that the color of the wood shows through in some areas too. Next I added the light blue and rolled it lightly over the fence not too heavy so the red still showed through. The darker blue I put on very sparingly, and the last color was a bright teal and I added just light touches of that all over. The great thing about this is you can keep adding paint until you like the look! :)

    I used all my house colors so that the pictures would blend into my ivingroom decor!

    The RED is my front door paint
    (gardener Walmart Kilz color)

    The LIGHT BLUE is white semi gloss mixed with just a little my livingroom wall paint.

    The DARK BLUE is my livingroom wall paint (Swimming Sea Turtle Walmart color )

    and the TEAL is craft paint (bahama blue by Americana)

    I hope this helps. :)

    Jeni Ream

  6. Hi!I was wondering how you got the fence panel to stand uupright?
