I know I posted a whole lot of PINK the last few days, so here is something new! My 3 year old son Cole's room! When we first moved in I painted it light blue and sadly just moved on to Abby's room! (I just love girlie stuff haha) Now it is finally getting the attention it needs! Just in time for him to move into a twin bed and get a new dresser! I found his bed on craiglist.(I am a craigslist addict, I probably check it everyday at least once!)
I really wanted bedding that would be mature enough that it could grow with him. I found this quilt set at TJ MAXX for $20. I had it embroidered at local place for $7. So $27 bucks for a Pottery Barn look-a-like (Oh sweet saving how I love thee)!
Once I had the bedding I knew I wanted to go dark with the wall color, and off set it with white board and batten underneath. Now I have seen board and batten everywhere across blogland, but it is just such a classic look I had to give it a try! So far I have two walls done and LOVE it! I just need to bite the bullet and get the last two finished!
I don't know about you, but my son just had to have a Pillow Pet for Christmas last year! LOL
Dont worry the shorty curtain panels are being replaced. I just need to decide on my fabric choice!I found a lot of his accessories at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. (I love that place!)
Last year I did a photo shoot downtown in the city where my husband is a Police Officer. I got a lot of cute pictures of Cole and Daddy, so I wanted to use them as his art work. I used $3 frames from Micheal's and scrapbook paper to make these...
I still want to make pillows for his bed like this...
The wall above his bed is going to have a very special bible verse.
"For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil."
Romans 13:4
We are very proud of the career Greg has been called into, and support him 100%! He is and will always be our Hero.
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